

Producer Image 1
Thunder Road Farm LLC
Contact: Gillian Thornton Andrews and Bryce Andrews
Address: 1231 Thunder Rd Arlee, MT, 59821
Phone: 406-471-6462
About Us
Thunder Road Farm is located in the Jocko Valley of Northwest Montana. We produce quality, grass-fed and grass-finished beef, and operate a berry u-pick featuring 18 different varieties of raspberries. Our goal is to produce healthy food in a way that improves, rather than diminishes, the ecological integrity of the land in our care. We use intensive rotational grazing to ensure that our pastures remain healthy and sequester carbon in the soil. Our beef is all-natural, and we do not treat our cows with hormones or subtherapeutic antibiotics. To learn more about our farm, place a bulk beef order, or visit us during our open u-pick hours, check out our website at