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Wild Plum Farm
Contact: Doug and Antje Baty
Address: 133 East Street Dixon, MT, 59831
Phone: 406-246-3213
About Us
Doug’s grandfather acquired this farm in 1910, when the reservation opened. Doug came here after college in 1970 and started restoring the buildings. I joined him in 1981, introducing the idea of commercial farming. We started small: raising garlic and eventually seeds for Garden City Seeds. Later a friend, Leslie Kline, got us going with the first CSA. When our friend Jane Kile became aware of how many vegetables were bought in our area and how few were locally grown, she figured that if only 1% of those came from here, there would be income for a number of farms. Thus the Co-op was born, first a thought, then a reality. After 2 years we joined and have enjoyed being members ever since. Our Retail project (the Co-op version of a CSA) started in Jane’s Living room around a big pot of tea with 6 of us discussing the ins and outs. Jane wanted a job close to home. We brainstormed when a first delivery could be made and what would be attractive enough to entice membership as well as logistics. At first this project was inefficient and complicated. But thanks to many hands and brains, it grew into the glorious system we have now.
Our daughter Annika and her husband Lyle with their children live on our farm and work with us.

We are certified organic. For the co-op we grow herbs, squash and green garlic.