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Harlequin Produce
Contact: Brian Wirak and Kaly Hess
Address: 72664 Heart View Ln Arlee, MT, 59821
Phone: 406-459-7217
About Us
Kaly Hess and Brian Wirak , Montana natives, have been farming in Western Montana since 2009. We are a new generation of farmers, who don't own land but have had the opportunity to lease established farms. This has allowed us to focus on our farming techniques without having to worry about acquiring land and equipment. We currently farm around 15 acres in vegetables, with two high tunnels and another 10 acres in cover crops. Starting in 2010 we began leasing Common Ground Farm in Arlee. Common Ground is certified organic.

We both studied Agrocecology at Montana State University, which provided us with a strong background in agricultural science which aids tremendously in understand the dynamics between plants and soil. We focus on growing high value and high yielding crops in a manner that incorporates ecological principles , through the use of living mulches, and conservation tillage. We also sell at the Clark Fork Farmers' Market and run Community Supported Agriculture program.

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