
Chickpea Black Kabuli COG

Chickpea Black Kabuli COG
Chickpea Black Kabuli COG
Gourmet * Heirloom * Organic
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Timeless Natural Food is located where the Great Plains of America unfold from the majestic Rocky Mountain Front into the renowned Golden Triangle, Montana’s most productive agricultural area. Here the cool, dry environment is ideal for producing the high quality, certified organic cereal grains, pulse crops, and edible seeds for which Timeless has become famous.

The hallmark of Timeless has always been the introduction of unique and highly nutritious heirloom specialty grains like our Black Beluga® Lentils, Purple Prairie™ Barley, and Black Kabuli™ Chickpeas.

While we remain a small, farmer-owned company in rural Montana, our award-winning, 100% organic grains are marketed world wide.
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